Tag Archive | The Secret

Love and the Law of Attraction – Part II

Fire-heartMost of you are probably aware that there is some subtlety to the law of attraction.  It is not as simple as just “wanting” something.  If it were that simple, we would all have exactly what we want, all the time.  It is true we can manifest anything, it is possible, however the most powerful manifestations, those which truly bring joy and balance to your life, are always those which are in line with the divine whole or source – in other words, it should be connected to your life’s purpose, which is the aspect of source that you came here to express.  This is the wisdom of many faiths which finish their prayers with “thy will be done.”  In the end, your desires must align with the universe.  This is why sometimes you start off on a path of something you think you want, only to be met by numerous obstacles and difficulties.  It can feel as if God does not want you to do what you are doing, and in a way that is not far off the mark.  Sometimes what you think you want is not exactly what the universe had in mind (or in heart, as it were).  It is not aligned with your soul’s purpose, and so the universe has ways of pushing you onto your destined course.  When you are on your destined path, you will find that the universe conspires with you to create it – if you are not in resistance.  Resistance can manifest as a belief that you cannot have it, a belief that it has to be hard, or fear of how you would make it work, or even fear of the responsibility that would come with success.  

It can be tricky to tell the difference between when you are on your right path and things are going wrong because you are in resistance, and when you are just on the wrong path and the universe is trying to nudge you back in the right direction.  However, if what you truly want is coming from your heart, then it will always be aligned with your soul’s higher purpose.  If you are meant to be a musician, you will be born with music in your heart.  It will be unstoppable, you will desire it all your days.  The problem is that you may, like the majority of people, choose to ignore your heart and follow your head instead.  Your head which says – ‘no, that is not practical, you need to do X instead since that is what everyone else does’.  Then you find when you try to do X, it does not work out.  You may be able to manifest some degree of X, but it will be less than perfect, because it does not come from the true desire of your heart which is aligned with the source and your purpose.  Instead of fulfilling you, it will feel hard, like you are fighting an uphill battle.  This is because you are manifesting X from your mind instead of your heart, and because your heart will always be in music, the universe gives you mixed results for X which is coming from your head.  If you follow your bliss, what is truly in your heart, and you do not resist it, you allow the universe to show up and help you, then you will manifest your desire. 

The key here is the heart.  The reason many fumble is because they are making decisions from their head.  Most of us live in our heads.  The heart, however, is so much more powerful than the head.  This is shown even scientifically – the heart has a stronger magnetic field than the brain, and the heart has a cellular memory.  People who have heart transplants will find that they suddenly have a love of and aptitude for music or art when they didn’t before.  Then, not surprisingly, they find out that the heart donor had the same gift.  We come here with the pre-programming for our destined path.  We are born wired with our destinies, but that wiring is not in our brains, it is in our hearts.  The key is to tap into that wiring and follow it to its outcome.  That is when you will find the law of attraction working for you, because it is coming from love, which is the essence of source, and thus source is called to show up for you.  Figure out what it is that you love, that you truly love.  Not what others told you that you should love, not what you think you should love, but what you actually love.  What gives you a feeling of bliss?  Seek that out and sit with it.  Let it in fully with no resistance.  Any resistance is coming from your head, not your heart.  Allow yourself to feel that bliss with your whole heart.  This is a feeling universe, not a thinking one.  The universe will respond to your feeling a thousand times more strongly than to your thinking, especially if that feeling is bliss that comes from love.

Love and Light

Rhea Jamil

Love and the Law of Attraction


The law of attraction may be the most powerful law in the universe. Love is also the most powerful feeling in the universe; one could argue it is all the universe is.  There is a definitive connection between love and the law of attraction, for love is the cause of the law of attraction and in that sense is the law of attraction. Many of you are probably familiar already with the law of attraction, which is detailed in “the Secret” and other new-age books. It states that what you focus on is what you will attract into your experience. One of the tricks is that this “focus” may not always be conscious. You have thoughts, emotions, and energies which are all in your space right now. You may be fully aware of some, partly aware of some, and completely unaware of most. The work of digging out all of the energies, thoughts and emotions you do not need and releasing them is part of the work of achieving higher consciousness. In the meanwhile, the thoughts, emotions and energies (which are all connected to each other) are attracting things into your experience. Why are all of the things they are attracting not good? Because the messages are muddled, some are deeply buried and confined in fear, they are in the dark and do not have the light of consciousness (your light of consciousness being connected to the higher consciousness, or what we could call God consciousness) to guide them. They are in fear so they are confined in an energy that is the opposite of love, since fear and love are opposite forces. The universe knows the desire deep within your heart, the desire that is pure and comes from the place of love and connection to source. For example, the desire for abundance. The universe will gladly help us manifest this desire, but what happens is that we send it mixed messages. On top of the desire for abundance, we have the fear of loosing what we have, the fear that there is not enough to go around, perhaps some resentment for those who have more, etc. etc. The happy desire for abundance is locked in a prison of fear and resentment, and therefore it cannot clearly communicate with the source.

Think of it like this. When you look in a mirror, you see a clear reflection of yourself. Now, break the mirror. What you have then is a distorted picture of yourself. The universe is always trying to perfectly reflect what you want, it is trying to perfectly reflect your desire. What is getting in its way is, well, you. You are the mirror that the universe is looking in to see what it is, and if you are broken into a zillion pieces, the universe will only be able to reflect a shattered version of itself back, much as it may want to reflect perfection. The good news is that we can put the mirror back together. We do that by letting go, and surrendering to the higher self, the light of consciousness, and embracing the moment of now.  We do it by loving ourselves, others and the world unconditionally.  We do it by not being in resistance to our current situations, but instead brining the light of consciousness into the present moment.

-Rhea Jamil

Love and the Law of Attraction – Part II